Childcare Vouchers

Childcare voucher booking steps

  1. Select ‘pay with childcare vouchers’
  2. Select the amount (value of childcare voucher)
  3. Payments must be made to Active Day Camps within 3 working days to confirm your child’s place.

References are below but are also found on our FAQ page.

Eden Red

Account Number: p21153906


Carer ID: 890247


Account Number: 70157616

Computer Share

USER ID: 0025028480

Fideliti, My Family Care, Busy Bees, KiddiVouchers & UK GOV

Search either: Active Day Camps (W9 1DD) or University College School, Junior Branch, London NW3 6QN

  1. Please include the child’s name or booking number in payment reference.

Your child’s space is then confirmed and will be on the register at camp!

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to find out more, please fill in the contact form below and a member of our team will be in touch shortly. Alternatively, please check out FAQs page for more information.